DIGITAL TECHNIQUE. All works are made with digital technique. In this technique, the lines made with the digital pencil on the graphics tablet are introduced on the screen, appearing on it as graphite and other materials do on paper or canvas.

EXCLUSIVITY AND AUTHENTICITY. Printed digital art has the same consideration as engraving, since the printed images are not copies of a previous original, but rather the materialization of the work itself. As an artist, I prefer to print editions of few copies in order to offer the collector something that is of value to both the collector and the artist: originality and exclusivity.

Va’ Tosca II

46,7 x 33,3 cm

Palazzo Farnese

46,7 x 33,3 cm

Waiting next to the fire

Waiting next to the fire

26 x 26 cm

Moonlight from the bedroom

46,7 x 33,3 cm

Antointte de Mauban I

46,7 x 33,3 cm

A. M. (Next to the Fire) I

26 x 26 cm

A. M. (Next to the Fire) II

26 x 26 cm

Exhibition and sale

Digital engraving; high quality copies.

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